

Helena Roerich Informal Commentary on
Sutras from the book
Agni Yoga 1929
Banner of Peace
- Three Sutras -
     300 Commentary
I affirm that the way of Agni Yoga is like a light on the path. It is of no consequence how travelers make use of this blessing. The way is indicated to them. Those who discern the signs of fire will come A light. We then choose how to walk the path.

No consequence: even attacks will reveal a blessing? We are travelers. Where do we come from, where are we  going?

Signs of fire: These will be personal things, dates such as July 1967.
Thus do I wish to strengthen those who have realized the momentousness of the Teaching of Agni Yoga. One should not await the hour when the current drives the crowd to seek salvation. This will be the recognition of the scourge of terror. This is not important, but it is necessary to know those who are directed by free consciousness. A battle may be undertaken by him who knows the purpose of the battle. Slaves driven by force are not needed. I consider it right to defend sincere striving rather than to search for the fragments of a broken vessel. Respond early. Prediction: the crowd will be driven by terror – this was published in 1929. They may be ddriven to this yoga, but the important ones are directed by free consciousness – without coercion.

Those engaging must know ahead of time and understand the
battle, not be drawn into it by those who do not know the purpose of the battle. The community is only interested in knowledgeable volunteers, not slaves. Hence Agni Yoga is not compulsive in any way. Knowledge produces sincere striving, terror produces a broken vessel.

If in the circle of activity there appears a child drawn thereto with special reason, smile upon him and develop in him the consciousness that these activities are his dwelling. Children sometimes come to this life at a special call. Give them that which is prepared by their past. Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong. – Preparation, foundation, rootedness produces the result.
One should observe certain precautions in Agni Yoga. Beyond a certain step one may notice pains in the back. One should then not bend down, because the pillar of energy rises like quicksilver in a thermometer. Therefore a straight position of the spine is advised. Similarly inadvisable is work that demands a sideways position such as wood-cutting. The flame is vertical in its structure. Thus will each fire act. The assertion of slight precautions will not detach people from life. One can quite unnoticeably introduce into life a method of action that is harmless. Some passages are obscure and strange and difficult to take seriously and apply. One must realize that the messages include those to Urusvati herself. There are none that are to all people but some could be a little bit more to her. Some seem to end up being more personal, with the distinction becoming impossible to make. Someone doing equivalent work might have similar symptoms and need similar advice.
The hands of the enemy are ever ready to destroy the works determined by Us. The ears of the enemy are cocked to hear slander useful to him. It is not sufficient to say, "Rejoice at the enemy". One must learn to understand his ways. As the unknown quantity in a problem stands the enemy. But this unknown is in direct ratio to the facts known to us.  Hence, it is possible to find a solution for each detected enemy. The hands of the enemy are ever ready to destroy the works determined by Us. The ears of the enemy are cocked to hear slander useful to him. - this is fairly evident all the time.

Rejoice at the enemy – this is found elsewhere in Agni Yoga – the uses of the enemy. Understand his ways:- we ought to realize that ignorance of the actual quality of evil works on earth handicaps our efforts at remedy by distorting thought. It is for this reason that all the alternative media opportunities ought to be availed of today, gcn, rbn also, select radio hosts. It may be too late but some of us listened a lot.

Our sincere effort is made for less than nothing, and in fact for harm, if we fight fiercely for something fictitious. Everything that exists is contrived, whether by accident or purposely. We talk a lot about evil, but the real evil is not this ugly immaterial monster, but the acts of men and non-men. We must be wary of the struggle to control. We must become superbly well educated. We must know how to
learn, how to research. Our social information system and expanding library could be with us for a while. We had a close scrape with the madmen that can take it all down, and they’re of course at large to date.
303 ~
Consider precisely the circumstances of your actions.  Learn to remember the circumstances of your straight-knowledge.  We will return to them again. Learn to remember the circumstances of your straight-knowledge.  We will return to them again. – this mysterious saying suggests contemplating the times and conditions that made you a spiritually-oriented person.  Remember the event and consider it to obtain what more it has for you and to facilitate a similar condition.  In this case it seems like a visitation experience.  Most often, in beatitudes, there is a warm and supportive presence.  If these are inner imaginal conditions then others can perhaps bring some of their visitation of consciousness there.  The Judeo-Christian testaments are replete with miraculous knowing of judges and prophets and ecstatic communion with various presences now slotted into the limited pantheon of accepted characters.  The very magic appeal of the writings is the accounts of all these occult occurrences.  It is only that they have been corralled within ecclesiastical walls and allowed to nicely age to where they could be prepared in a nice dish.  They (the old miracles) lie there dripping with antiquity, with a topping of promise and fragrance of holiness.
303 b ~
Everything unknown we term inimical.  It must be resolved, conquered, and transformed into the familiar--properly speaking, the cognized.  During the process of such revelation one should, primarily, watch oneself.  Approaching his quarry, the hunter calculates each of his actions. Everything unknown we term inimical – the unknown is opposite of gnosis.  Ignorance is not helpful. Approaching his quarry, the hunter calculates each of his actions – One must be extremely careful and wise to engage the enemy profitably.
303 c ~
You will be told repeatedly about the awesome occult mysteries, but you will approach simply, confident in yourself.  We regard as Our first condition for battle the knowledge of one's own status.  We familiarize ourselves with the unknown by approaching it.  It is of no use to speak of it beforehand--even its boundaries are undetermined. We familiarize ourselves with the unknown by approaching it.  This is precisely what the closed minded religious person does not do.  He does not approach what he declares to be dark and demonic, and so his distorted frightening phantasm remains.
303 d ~`
Essaying investigation into everything, we must agree on the methods of research.  We will know the direction of the action, but will not impede ourselves by the enemy's definition.  Let us combine foresight with real action.  Each detected part of the unknown will be a conquest--without astonishment, without a shudder, and even without excessive enthusiasm.  For each hour, even the most inactive, may bring us close to the unknown.  The Great Unknown may be considered a friend, but for the investigator it is more useful to consider it an enemy.  All signs of the unknown correspond more closely to the signs of the enemy.  First of all we speak of fearlessness.  But this is not needed against a friend.  The achievement of a victory also presumes an enemy.

If I bid you be victors, I foresee a battle.  The Great unknown, like the enemy, lures one to victory.
The enemy – the author often refers to the enemy or enemies. To be non-combative does not mean ignorance and self-denial about ‘enemies’. Once you have a premise and capacity to create through harmony with beauty and universally sanguine principles, there is also a great array of opposing forces. A most adventurous path is the gradual cooperative erosion of the power and influence of those forces. Yes, like light entering darkness. The darkness, enemy of light, flees. We must understand in order to do things correctly. Essaying investigation into everything – this is the stance held here, the theosophical one of investigation into all things, already set out upon. we must agree on the methods of research – today (and my expertise is on recent multimedia presentations) the public methods of research are shoddy. We must agree about motive, include all evidence, no skew the facts or conclusions, establish a maintain a trustworthy reputation for honesty among everyone and remain open to any idea. General paragraph: because to us, venturing ignorant (by definition) in to the “Great Unknown”, it is hit and miss and we could hurt ourselves. We are fearful and ignorant and so we must defend ourselves and approach this thing gingerly. But there is no strong stricture against the idea that it can be thought of as a friend.
304 ~
The Teaching of Wisdom is not a textbook with numbered pages.  The Teaching is the decree of life applied to each necessity.  As lightning flashes wherever sufficient electricity has accumulated, so the command speeds to where possibility has gathered. The Teaching of Wisdom is not a textbook with numbered pages – this “Teaching” earns its capital by actual implementation. Not coercion, experience. Not the written but the living. Not the letter but the spirit. The Teaching is the decree of life applied to each necessity – the decree only makes sense to some people. To others it appears as the enemy of god. That such an absurd concept is even entertained proves its anthropogenesis.

The tainted man is troubled by insurmountable enemies, others who know of the decree of life look to it and rejoice to have periodic renewals of direction such as this one, when new characters resuscitate many things including the language and provide the necessary expression of the scary crossing.

As lightning
- The universes, inner and outer are far more electrical that we had thought, the power of polarity flashing through the thick soft resistor earth. We are capacitors and conductors. We overcome inner explosive discharge and deflect the chaos of dangerous courses in outer natural events. All this is the immensely complex but other-worldly conscious planetary environment. We are treating the urine of the local universe and for this we should be thanked. Meanwhile vast streams of charged plasma rivers circulate in the bright clumped curds of space. Upon them like waterbugs, the spidery connections of speeding eyes propel them with great vitesse.… the command speeds to where possibility has gathered. – it is up to us to become a radiant magnet. The radiation of love, is first as perceived as outflowing (this is how heard and heart can cooperate). According to purity of conditions it is some form of magnetic beauty, a creative attraction, a kindler of flame.
303 a ~
While affirming the common unity, the Teaching of Life must respond to each individuality.  The Teaching provides a solution to the daily problems.  Sometimes it seems that the Teaching returns to former themes.  Comparing these directives, you see that they touch entirely different manifestations of life.  The outer signs have no import.  Men may become pale or blush for different reasons. While affirming the common unity, the Teaching of Life must respond to each individuality.  – Consider the burden of the task of some.  All the way to you-know-who.  As  for world ‘government’, human unity is impossible to attain without untrammeled absolute creative freedom, which alone is needed for the decree of individuality.  I can undertake to prove myself.  I can use the chance I have been given.  I can help myself to understand.
303 b ~
Let us broadly foresee the most prominent conditions of life, but let us leave  details to the flow of karma.   One can often change the main stream, whereas the details will carry the mark of a predetermined karma.  Such details have no decisive significance, although people usually remember just those and judge accordingly.  Similarly, one cannot expect from the missions and experiments a uniform application and flow.  Evidence, again, means nothing.

Let us broadly foresee the most prominent conditions of life, but let us leave  details to the flow of karma – notwithstanding the religious objection to certain words, here we see the lofty creative approach.  With awareness we do not react but act.  We have found what to do and together we have agreed to do it.  We ought to consider the breadth of understanding required when the ancient and existing planetary ‘government’, (known by all those names) has to consider decisions affecting mass fate.  The more important, the more brilliant, the more powerful, the more beautiful, the more pleasing to everyone involved, these centralized negotiations may go well for us.  But without human cooperation all is lost.

303 c ~
The command foresees every possibility, although in manifestation they are quite varied.  The danger is elsewhere.  Often a man, mastering a possibility, loses concern about it.  As something commonplace, he carries the festival flower into daily life.  Of course flowers are always pleasing, but it is better to transform life into a festival of spirit than to sprinkle the flowers with everyday dust.

The command- let this command be impugned by  vocal 21st century pontificators.  Why not support a winner?  This benign command is against mankind’s ‘dweller on the threshold’ so to speak.  Mankind will be thankful it had authority. although in manifestation they are quite varied – the author is admitting the final manifestations of creation are a challenge to anticipate.

303 d ~
Again we approach life as to the chalice of a wondrous remedy.  To drink the poison of the world in order to be reborn with full power!  This symbol comes from ancient legends.  We see it in Egypt, in Greece; Shiva himself recalls it; a whole chain of Redeemers bears the chalice of poison, transforming it into Amrita. The chalice here is no hateful power-object of the enemy of Christians, as some claim.    Here it is merely the symbol for the carrying, containing and drinking this gift of grace.  That is, the opportunity to serve the ones we love.  It is not easy for people to deal with bad karma.  But those who can consciously project their energy to endorse all strugglers, they can carry extra portions of that weight, they can sense the joy of uplifting, often at far distances, the spirits of someone precisely responsive to that energy quality.   Those heroes all in fact were great servants who offered themselves as sacrifice.  They took up what was old and dark and transformed it, beautifully enacting acts of love, which generate bliss and ecstasy. 
303 e ~
When We say, "Be unusual, and do not deprive yourself of the chalice of achievement," We thereby indicate not to obscure your life and not to spill the chalice.  I confirm how much is sent to you.  Every particle understood and applied will give new life.  Thus, observe the rain of possibilities and rejoice at the rainbow I confirm how much is sent to you - Sometimes the encouragement is extremely sweet.  It was also to Urusvati and with her it could truly represent the spectacular possibility of authoring the entirely of the volumes.   Be unusual – we already spoke of the absolute freedom for individuality.  This must  mean, despite the taboos of our culture, that all is permitted except that which harms another or interferes with their freedom.   Every particle understood and applied will give new life – this of course applies to the documented teaching that Urusvati was enabled to accomplish.  We can more deeply understand the particles today, and we have a myriad of bright ideas to discuss.